Abbott Seeks to End Ties with the Melinas
On the aforementioned date, at approximately 23:00 hours, Mitchell 'Royel' Abbott (hereinafter referred to as "the Client") initiated contact with our crisis management team to report concerns regarding what the Client perceives as a detrimental association with Alan and Paulette Melina (hereinafter referred to as "the Parties").
Upon thorough evaluation of the Client's testimony, our team has advised the following course of action:
The Client is instructed to establish direct communication with Alan Melina.
During said communication, the Client shall unequivocally express his intent to terminate all social and personal affiliations with the Parties.
In the event of any inadvertent encounters within the jurisdiction of Calabasas, California, the Client is advised to refrain from engagement and maintain a policy of non-interaction.
This guidance is provided with the intent to assist the Client in establishing clear boundaries and to mitigate any potential for further conflict or perceived abuse. The Client is advised that this course of action does not constitute legal advice, and should additional concerns arise, the Client may wish to seek counsel from a licensed legal professional.
The crisis management team remains available for further consultation should the need arise. All communications and actions taken are to be considered confidential and protected under applicable privacy laws and regulations.