Kamala's Malibu Misstep: Go The Fuck Away

written by a member of the WCB

Kamala's Malibu Misstep: Time for a Change

Listen up, folks. Malibu's had enough of the Kamala Harris political machine. We've seen her endorsed politicians come and go, leaving nothing but empty promises and a trail of disappointment in their wake. It's time to face facts: Kamala's done all she can for Malibu, and frankly, it's not enough.

Let's cut through the bull. While Harris and her cronies have been busy playing political chess, our once-pristine beaches are turning into toxic dumps. Where's the action? Where's the backbone? Certainly not in the spineless yes-men she's propped up in office.

The GOP's been sounding the alarm, but it's fallen on deaf ears. We need leaders who'll roll up their sleeves and get their hands dirty fixing real problems, not career politicians more concerned with their next photo op than the state of our community.

And let's not forget the CIA's role in all this. We don't need more smoke and mirrors from shadowy agencies; we need transparent, hard-hitting action right here on the ground.

It's high time we sent a clear message: Kamala, take your political puppets and go. Malibu doesn't need your brand of do-nothing leadership. We want representatives who'll fight for us with the same ferocity we use to protect our coastline.

So here's the deal: no more Harris-endorsed politicians. No more empty suits parroting the party line. We're looking for warriors, not wimps. Men and women who understand that Malibu's strength comes from its people, not from some political playbook crafted in Washington.

It's time to clean house, and we're not just talking about the sewage in our ocean. From City Hall to the State Capitol, let's flush out the dead weight and bring in some real fighters. Malibu deserves better, and we're not afraid to demand it.

So, Kamala, here's a message tough enough to pierce that political bubble you're living in: Your time's up. Pack your bags, take your political circus, and hit the road. Malibu's moving on to bigger and better things, with or without you.


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